So what is up? Welllllllllllllllllllll this past weekend I was invited to a blogger brunch at my new awesome friends house Margo. What an amazing host! It was potluck style and a bunch of us brought different goodies. We then tried out her
Da vinci Body board, and she also gave out amazing little gift bags! What an amazing hostess!
Now what did I get out of this? Well not only did I get to meet a bunch of awesome women (I love meeting new people), but they got my mind juices flowing to the max, and I hope this means I made some new friends for the long haul! Oh yes and I got an amazing GIFT BAG!
One of the things we were talking about was labels. Not like food labels, but labels on the way you eat. For example; paleo, primal, low carb, keto, atkins, weight watchers, etc. There is always some strict police person out there watching what you eat like "HEY THE RICE ON THAT SUSHI ROLL ISNT PALEO", "OMG YOU ARE EATING A SWEET POTATO? THATS NOT LOW CARB!"
Then I thought to myself over the last few days omg I'm the queen of not only bacon, but labeling how I am eating! It hit me even harder when my husband said to me when the 21 day sugar detox was over "Hey Kerry are we eating paleo now, or are we going low carb?" I was like ughhhhhhhhhhhh I am a diet label whore! I need to move away from this, from now on I eat food that helps me achieve the best me! If its lower carb, paleo, atkins, primal, what ever it may be....
So I finished my 21 day sugar detox. I set my standards high and I came out sort of disappointed this go around. I lost a couple of pounds, but I think me going off plan for the holidays really screwed up my personal eco system. I have been pretty sick since xmas with a constant cold that moves from my chest to my nose and throat almost every couple of days (which I am now almost totally over). My bathroom habits are not so good anymore (I wanna poop at least once a day). But I think this was a move in the right direction. My skin started to clear again, headaches subsided, cravings are cut down. The biggest thing I took out of this detox? I lose weight better with full fat dairy in my life! Isn't that amazing news? WOOHOO! Kerry Gold Cheese HERE I COME!
Summer is coming soon, and I need to get back into exercise! I haven't done jack squat in a couple of months between being sick, working my ass off, holidays etc. No more excuses, I just need to get off my ass and work my ass off! hahaha.
I got a fun new toy! it is a lifetrak fitness monitor. its a heart rate monitor, sleep tracker, pedometer, and you can track calories burned etc. It works with bluetooth to sync with your Iphone (but I have a samsung galaxy). Soon it should also sync with android (keeping my fingers crossed).
Now to introduce you to my new Friends! please check out their blogs! They kick butt!
First off is Margo, she is an amazing host and such a smart, fit, and independent woman. Such a great inspiration! Before I buy any fitness magazine I always look for her review on her site! (she saves me lots of money with out even knowing it) click the cool picture below to go to her site.
Next is my friends Amber, she is awesome too! She is such an inspiration the way she made over her body and she is super fit! (her and her man are a hot item!) I get tons of ideas for recipes from her because she has some food allergies/intolerance. To my keto/lchf family shes recently moved over to our dark side of noshing on yummy fat filled keto food and enjoying it. She was also mentioned in the 21 day sugar detox book for her amazing journey!
EXSOYCISE!!!<~~click there
Next is a new friend Nellie. Nellie is an amazing woman also! (see a trend? deez are some great gals!)
She is a professional woman who finds time to be a mommy to 2 handsome little guys! She teaches zumba classes, and can speak in front of large crowds! (and since she has 2 little ones we need to take the kids out one day!) click her pic below to check out her blog!

Nexxxxt is Cassandre! She is another awesome full time working mommy! (play date! all of us!) She has an amazing story to tell! She is a holistic health coach, marketing executive, and I can just tell shes full of knowledge. Right off the bat I could tell I'd go to this woman for advice! (and I am sure I will in due time! hahaha) click the picture below to check out her site!
ok anyone with the blog called "lifes better in yoga pants" should have their site looked at! Lynette is so adorable! Such a sweet lady! She made these amazing little eggy cups that were delish! She is an active runner (i'm always amazed by people who love to run) Lynette is also a professional working woman, who finds time in her busy schedule to run, take classes, date and eat healthy! Check out her blog, if not for me check it out because LIFE IS BETTER IN YOGA PANTS! (god I love that name lol)
Lasssssssssssst but not least is Kelly (can't forget her name its like mineeeee only with l's instead of r's) sorry Its getting late for me hahaha.. Kelly is amazing, she has lost a ton of weight doing weight watchers. Shes one sexy lady! She has been in magazines, newspapers, and even on TV! She was so sweet, and I'm honored to be in the company of someone who has accomplished some amazing things!!!!!!!!! fill me in on your secrets! Check out her Blog!!!!
nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that you have met my new friends, you should be busy for a hot minute looking at the amazing blogs/sites.
Which makes me think, maybe I should get a dot com? Hmmmmmmmm maybe I will? When Da IRS Gives me mah Tax dollaz! (sorry lol i get silly when I'm tired)
Butttttttttttt If you get hungry while you are looking at these amazing women, or you are hungry and watching the Olympics, maybe you pmsing, or need something easy and low carb.
HERE IS MY EASY 3 Ingredient Reuben Casserole.
Take some
cooked corned beef and shred it and line the bottom of an oven safe casserole dish, about an inch or so deep. you can used a cooked corned beef or if you are lazy like me and short on time you can use deli corned beef cut into shreds.
top it with a nice amount of squeezed out
sauerkraut. make sure to squeeze out the liquid good or else you will end up with slop in your pan!
then top it with
swiss cheese and bake in the oven at 350 till the cheese is melty!
This recipe is so easy and great for company. You can serve it on a plate, with bread or crackers for your non weight conscious folk, or with celery, sliced cucumber rounds or low carb wraps! this is great also with mustard, or thousand island dressing.
NOW HAVE A WONDERFUL NIGHT EVERYONE! Thanks so much for reading!!!!!!